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Carbon tetrachloride

CAS # 56-23-5

Struttura e proprietà del composto

Peso molecolare153.8227
Formula molecolareCCl4
Temperatura di fusione-22.92 °C, 250 °K, -9 °F
Temperatura di ebollizione76.72 °C, 350 °K, 170 °F
Densità1.5867 g cm−3 (liquid)
1.831 g cm−3 at −186 °C (solid)
1.809 g cm−3 at −80 °C (solid)
Solubilità in acqua0.081 g/100 mL (25 °C)
log P2.64
Dati sopra originati da: ChemSpider e Wikipedia

Spettro di massa GC

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Carbon Tetrachloride; Methane, tetrachloro-; Benzinoform; Carbon chloride (CCl4); Carbona; Fasciolin; Flukoids; Freon 10; Necatorina; Perchloromethane; Tetrachlorocarbon; Tetrachloromethane; Tetrafinol; Tetraform; Tetrasol; Univerm; Vermoestricid; CCl4; Benzenoform; Carbon chloride; Carbon tet; Methane tetrachloride; Czterochlorek wegla; ENT 4,705; Halon 104; Necatorine; R 10; Tetrachloorkoolstof; Tetrachloormetaan; Tetrachlorkohlenstoff, tetra; Tetrachlormethan; Tetrachlorure de carbone; Tetraclorometano; Tetracloruro di carbonio; Chlorid uhlicity; ENT 27164; Rcra waste number U211; Katharin; Phenoxin; Seretin; Thawpit; Halon 1040; UN 1846; NSC 97063; R 10 (Refrigerant); Tétrachlorure de carbone

Prodotti correlati

Miscela di calibrazione MegaMix 8260, 2000 µg/mL in metanolo P&T, 1 mL/ampolla
Kit VOC MegaMix 131, 1 mL/ampolla, 10 ampolle/kit
Standard MegaMix VOA OLC 03.2, 2000 µg/mL cad. in metanolo P&T (m-xilene e p-xilene, 1000 µg/mL), 1 mL/ampolla
Kit volatili organici 524 Rev. 4.0 (2000 µg/mL)
Miscela di calibrazione 624 n 2, 2000 µg/mL, metanolo P&T, 1 mL/ampolla
Standard MegaMix VOA di acqua potabile, 524.2 Rev. 4.1, 2000 µg/mL, metanolo P&T, 1 mL/ampolla
Kit di calibrazione VOA 502.2 n° 2 (2000 µg/mL)
Kit VOA 524 Rev. 4.0 n° 2 (2000 µg/mL)
Miscela di VOA TCLP, 2000 µg/mL, metanolo P&T:acqua (90:10), 1 mL/ampolla
Kit organici volatili 624

Cromatogrammi applicativi

Analysis of VOCs and Odors in Drinking Water via HS-SPME Arrow-GC-MS
Expanded List of Volatile Organics by Purge & Trap on Rtx-VMS
TO-15 (HJ759) + PAMS on Rt-Alumina BOND/MAPD (by FID) and Rxi-624Sil MS (by MS) using Deans Switch
NJ Low Level TO-15 75 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (60 m, 40 °C start)
NJ Low Level TO-15 75 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (30 m, 2.0 mL/min)
25 µg/L 8260 MegaMix Revised on Rtx-VMS
40 ppb Volatiles in Drinking Water on Rtx-VMS by EPA Method 524.4
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rxi-1ms (60 m)
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (30 m, 2.0 mL/min)
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (30 m)